Friday, January 22, 2010

Why in most cases of female on male rape the perpetuator is a ex girlfriend or ex wife?

according to a survey about 38 percent of all female on male rape cases the perpetuatorr is someone with whom the victim earlier had a consensual sexual relationshipWhy in most cases of female on male rape the perpetuator is a ex girlfriend or ex wife?
Because most women have sex for emotional reasons not necessarily physical ones.Why in most cases of female on male rape the perpetuator is a ex girlfriend or ex wife?
Female on male? Is everyone out of their gourds? That's physically impossible! :D

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alright you are scaring me -- My ex is a psycho and made attempts on my life but since I am a ' man ' and the legal system is a 'womans system ' If I see her I will certainly boot it faster to the police station now - if I see its head I run --

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Rape and Gender

* An estimated 91% of victims of rape are female, 9% are male and 99% of offenders are male. (Bureau of Justice Statistics 1999)

* 93% of women and 86% of men who were raped and/or physically assaulted since the age of 18 were assaulted by a male. (National Violence Against Women Survey, 1998)

* Sexual assault is reported by 33-46% of women who are being physically assaulted by their husbands. (AMA 1995)

There is a math problem here....

last year there were a reported 4959 rape cases

According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network Web site, 60 percent go unreported to the police.

So that bring our number of rape cases in 2008 to 7934.4

1% of that = roughly 79 of men raped by women and you say 38% of those women are raping their ex lovers? That would leave 30 men that had been ';raped'; by a female ex lover.

hmmm... yes... these numbers are staggering..........

actually... if 9% of people raped are men, and 1% of rapists are women and 38% of those rapists raped an male ex lover, that comes to 1.6 men raped by a female ex lover. 1.6!!!!! out of nearly 8,000!!!!!
In my experience, you can't rape the willing. They probably took it as a ';were getting back together...something something'; and, since it didn't turn out like that, they cried ';rape';.
Girls like sex too? I mean, why do men rape women? Women are shown to have a greater emotional attachment to sex so it makes sense they'd still seek that person they have the attachment with... even if it means forcing them.
Do you also have thestats on man on women rape where the victim actually had a previous sexual rwlationship or has a nonsexual relationship with her rapist? Most raists actua;lly know their victim, so, your stats are meaningless
Do you have a link to the survey?

Being able to see it in it's entirety will help understand why the numbers are the way they are.
I'm guessing it's a revenge-inspired power trip.
dude dont worry bout it, ur gettin laid for free, only worry if the girls i ugly or is goin to kill u in the end
Because women think that they have a automatic free pass on some stuff just because they've been there already.

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