Friday, January 22, 2010

What are the grammatical cases of the words in the following Russian phrase: ';薪邪 芯泻褉邪懈薪械 褉邪斜芯褔械泄 谐芯褉芯写褋泻芯泄?

I believe it is prepositional, genitive genitive, but could it also be prepositional prepositional prepositional? Is 谐芯褉芯写褋泻芯泄 an adjectival noun or a strict adjective?

ThanksWhat are the grammatical cases of the words in the following Russian phrase: ';薪邪 芯泻褉邪懈薪械 褉邪斜芯褔械泄 谐芯褉芯写褋泻芯泄?
Oh my! The other answerers got it SO wrong! It just CANNOT be P-G-G, because the adjectives HAVE to have THE SAME case as the noun... My point is 褉邪斜芯褔械泄 is not a noun (if it were, it truly would be genetive, but we'd have to do something to the phrase - put a comma there, for example). It's an adjective which agrees with 芯泻褉邪懈薪械. Thus, it's P-P-P.What are the grammatical cases of the words in the following Russian phrase: ';薪邪 芯泻褉邪懈薪械 褉邪斜芯褔械泄 谐芯褉芯写褋泻芯泄?
It is Prep., Prep., Prep. Adjectives do need to agree with the noun in case, gender and number.
薪邪 芯泻褉邪懈薪械 - prepositional

褉邪斜芯褔械泄 - genitive

谐芯褉芯写褋泻芯泄 is an adjective agreeing with 褉邪斜芯褔械泄

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