They get a cute beautiful tattoo because they are insecure of how they look. They get a tough looking tattoo because they are afraid they do not look tough enough or scary enough. They get a name tattoo because they are insecure the person might leave them or they will forget someone.In a lot of cases are tattoos a sign of insecurity?
they get a tatoo to make them more beautiful
they get a tatopo to make them more tough
they get a tatoo to expres just how much they love some one
they get tatoos to express themselvesIn a lot of cases are tattoos a sign of insecurity?
I think in the past people used to get tattooed to ';look'; tough. And many military service men got tattoos of their significant female put on their flesh, as well as good ol' mom. But today, I think people are getting tattoos because they think it looks cool, they like the art, they want to test themselves (pain threshhold), and to make a statement of some kind. Some women I know got little tattoos because they are all breast cancer survivors. Tattoos no longer hold the negative connection they used to and are now seen for the art and beauty they can be.
If you ask any person with a tattoo I will promise you that the tattoo (or in the case of multiple tattoos) each symbolizes something important in their life, and is no way a form of insecurity.
People don't get tattoos because they are insecure, or because they are trying to appear a certain way. They are telling a story, conveying a thought, or memorializing someone.
A girl told me once that she got her over-the-butt tattoo so her bf would have something to look at, and not get bored, while doing her doggy style.
So I'm thinking to myself, if you think that you're such a boring f*ck that your man needs a tattoo over your @ss to stay entertained while he's in the middle of doing you....then yeah it sounds like an insecurity issue to me.
LOL wow do you know there are alot of people to this day that still hate tattoos and see em as a social stigma? I think it takes a pretty secure person to get a tattoo because off all the good and bad stuff that comes with it so nah I completely disagree with you
yeah i tottally agree with wat u stated. some guys think if they get tough guy tattoos or big ones that women will think they are like super man or something. and i know a lot of girls get a tattoos that are like a trend and need to fit in, not rele cuz they want it ya kno?
i think it depends on what the tattoo is, if its something personal than no, but if you get big flashy ones than maybe. it also depends on the person, maybe they just like them.
It depends. Some people get tattoos b/c they want to fit in or their friends talk them into it. But most people want to do it to display their exotic side and they consider them sexy and feel more desirable.
i actually never thought of them that way! it never crossed my mind. but, a lot of people get tattoos to express themselves in some way.
hmm, i never thought of that at all...
insecure people may have tattoos, but i can't imagine that someone would get a tattoo to combat insecurities
people get them to try to be something special or tough...usually..
i think its pretty lame unless you just want to get it because u like it
hmm...well when you put it like that, idk.
but that was actually the first time ive ever heard sumthing like that,
so I would say no.
Some people may get tattoos b/c they are insecure, but the majority of us just love how they look!
I don't think so..
They are an EXPRESSION of ones beliefs! :)
you can learn stuff about people by the tattoos i think.
with some tattoos i believe that is the case, yes. but definitely not for all.
you have a really good point ive never thought of it that way! but maybe they're just really artsy and want something to stand out on them
Could mean a lot of things. I think it's for attention.
Pretty insightful. How many do you have?
addiction is my boss has about 15 and keeps getting more...he says he is addicted to them
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