Thursday, May 13, 2010

Which body systems have the greatest number of cancer cases and cancer deaths?

Tarkarri is correct, but the ACS (American Cancer Society) doesn't even count non-melanoma skin cancers - over 1 million cases per year in the U.S. - since they are almost all cured with simple resection.

In the USA - - - lung cancers, lung cancers, and lung cancers.

Lung carcinomas cause more deaths each year than the next three leading causes of cancer deaths in the USA.

The next three are colon carcinomas, breast carcinomas, and prostate carcinomas.

Here is the projected U.S. data for this year 2009 :

Lung carcinomas 219,440 - - deaths 159,390

Colo-rectal carcinomas 146,970 - - deaths 49,920

Breast carcinomas 194,280 - - deaths 40,610

Prostate carcinomas 192,280 - - deaths 27,360

The saddest part is that almost 90% of the lung cancer deaths could have been prevented if people would not smoke cigarettes. Cigarettes are the plague of the 20th century - 100 million deaths. It could be one billion deaths worldwide in the 21st century if people continue to smoke cigarettes. It is amazing that people continue to smoke. This is not new information. We have known this for at least 45 years in the U.S.Which body systems have the greatest number of cancer cases and cancer deaths?
I think skin cancer is the top of the list for number of cases and lung cancer for number of deaths.Which body systems have the greatest number of cancer cases and cancer deaths?
I believe lung cancer is number one.
I heard it was breast for women and prostate for men, not sure though.

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