Thursday, May 13, 2010

Are there many cases of kids suffering because their parents have OCD?

What might be the consequences if two people with OCD but did not know because it was unknown in their generation, met, married, and had kids......what would be the effect on the kids?

Would the kids have it?, would they suffer from their parents' odd behaviour? and would the parents not notice their own odd behaviour and therefore might they view the kids as troublesome if the kids constantly asked them why they were different?

Those with knowledge of OCD only, pleaseAre there many cases of kids suffering because their parents have OCD?
Both of my parents have it and I do to. Yes, it was hell growing up with them. But there are PLENTY of people with OCD who are good parents.

Some of the older generation don't even realize they have a problem and point the finger at their children, as my parents did. They were diagnosed when they were well into their 40s and still refused to believe they had serious issues.

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