Why yes or no?
tvm.In light of recent abuse cases should the UK follow Jamaica in restoring the death penalty?
yes.I think there r some people who can never be rehabilitated no matter how long they serve in prison or what type of therapy they receive as they r inherently evil.Why continue to drain the public purse for these types of people?My opinion would probably be different if life really meant life instead of a token sentence which is then slashed for alleged good behaviour.I am fed up paying towards these people who have been given chance after chance as in the case of baby p's ';mother';only for her to bleat and cry when she kills a child's and gets a long(not long enought)sentence.She knew what she was doing when she did those awful things on that little boy- does anyone believe that after how ever many years in prison she is going to come out as a productive member of society or her boyfriend either?I think not!In light of recent abuse cases should the UK follow Jamaica in restoring the death penalty?
Being a member of the European Union requires you to get rid of the death penalty. The UK is a member of the EU so reinstating it would make them lose their status as a member. Really it depends on how the UK feels about being a member. Call me uncivilized but I really feel there are those who deserve only death for their crimes. The death penalty might not reduce the crime rate but it will prevent someone from ever committing a crime again.
Sadly the UK do not have the courage to pass the necessary laws to reinstate the death sentence... Especially as several convictions have been overturned many years after the original trial.
I am sure that most Brits will agree that there are certain people currently inprisoned who should never, ever be freed - and for our sakes and the prison staff would it not make more sense to release them from their bodies and give their soles the chance to cleanse in the fires of hell, rather than letting them hang around in prison for years planning escape??
Does anyone really not think it a shame that Myra Hindley missed the death sentence? Do they think the likes of Dr Shipman or Rose West should be released from Jail?? (and the former obviously agreed with me as he hung himself!).. As for this latest disgrace to mankind who continually raped his two daughters for many years, leaving them with 7 children/siblings - clearly a case for chemical castration.
There are people who would gladly take the job of Hangman - but it will not happen, certainly not in my lifetime.... Just in case they make 1 mistake in 100.
No, i am well aware of the atrocities of cases like Baby P, and the murders of a number of young women lately, like the young student, but the law as it stands i am sure will never bring back capital punishment. In my heart i wish the foul bstards dead, but in my mind i can only see that apart from one less person on the planet it will achieve nothing. And makes us just as bad as these scum.
I would however be in favour of solitary confinement and no privileges, no life, just four bare walls, to stare at forever.
and if you look at the statistics in America where many states still have the dealth penalty does it work, no, because if it was a deterrent there wouldn't be so many on death row.
It doesn't deter murder - murder rates in US states with it are higher than in states without it - and the penal system's primary role is to deter crime, not satisfy the vengeful bloodlust of redneck-types
Death penalty sentences are often more expensive than life imprisonment sentences - dispelling the cost argument
The legal system is vulnerable to error and corruption, and so there's always a chance that an innocent person will be executed - which is unacceptable
IMO it's uncivilised and has no place in the 21st century - the vast majority of the world agrees
In short, there is no good reason for the death penalty
It's laughably ironic that the US, a supposedly Christian nation, self-proclaimed ';One Nation *Under* God';, plays God with human life
That is a hard question. I am against the death penalty for some crimes, but you are smart you know what crimes deserves the death penalty.
although child abuse is a foul crime that requires severe punishment their is always the risk that the wrong person is convicted and executed so no i dont think we should restore the death penalty
Strange, people who got the death penalty never murdered again.
we need to get rid of some of the less then human populations if there animals they should be own there way to wherever land . period
Yes definitely.
Get rid of the scum who rapes and kills.
Dear old EU would not allow it!
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