Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What are narcotics and why do a number of police forces have teams that work on cases with narcotics?

They are drugs. They have task forces to get illegal or illegally used drugs off the streetsWhat are narcotics and why do a number of police forces have teams that work on cases with narcotics?
Narcotics are drugs like cocaine, meth, heroin, and the police have teams that work on them because they will always have a job since people will always use drugs and your taxes pay them. Also drug dealers make anonymous reports and the police come and bust their competition for them. And the pharmaceutical companies pay lots and lots of money to lobby to keep them illegal so they can sell more Oxycontin, vicodin and other types of drugs they make. Which are more addictive and just as deadly. It's called bureaucracy. The government is controlled by the rich and this is one way for them to keep the poor down.What are narcotics and why do a number of police forces have teams that work on cases with narcotics?
narcotics are the same thing as drugs.

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