Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Husler magazine has also influenced history, as we even had numerous cases and laws passed and a supreme court?

case over it, so should 2013 be the year of the tittty mag?Husler magazine has also influenced history, as we even had numerous cases and laws passed and a supreme court?
I would love to see that! But it would not fly because the Religious right would never allow it.

Thanks Matt you made my point!

And as to what happened to Moral America, that is easy Bush/Cheney happened. You can not have leaders so immoral and not change the morality of a country. Torture is the classic example, it is and always has been immoral but once you start justifying something that immoral anything can be justified.Husler magazine has also influenced history, as we even had numerous cases and laws passed and a supreme court?
Disgraceful and Vile this magazine you talk of. It is this type of propaganda that is ruining our women and setting up a mindset that women are only for sexual needs.

I would like to know what cases and laws have to do with it. I would only hope that these laws in Yank Land which this seems to be, would rid us of this immoral conduct.

What happened to the Moral America, American values? The largest Christian nation and Judaic outpost in the world would be experiencing much better one would believe! I do not believe morals stop at Religion but to everyone as a way of life to maintain order and dignity so Athiests and Agnostics I urge you to stand against this rubbish as well. Right or Left take a stand.

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